
Update on Julian

Just a quick update to let you all know that Julian is doing MUCH better.  We have been giving him breathing treatments at least 2 times a day and he has just finished up his round of antibiotics. Thankfully, we are done with the liquid steriods - that stuff turned our sweet little boy into a quick tempered mean little person that you did not want to be around. Evil medicine, just plain evil.
We were able to have his birthday party last weekend at my parents house and we had a really great time. The weather cooperated quite nicely and we played some frisbee golf and volleyball as planned. It's hard to believe that we now have a 2 year old. Beth won't admit that he isn't a baby anymore, but that's ok. I don't really want to either.
In other news, I just recently launched two new web stes here in town. One for a church - St James UMC - and another one for a construction company - ETL Construction Services. I had been developing the St. James site for quite a while and was happy to finally get it up and running. I think it's my favorite design so far.  Check them out if you have a minute or two.

- Jonathan


  1. So glad to hear that he's better and that his birthday was fun! The Flickr pictures were fun to see.

    SJUMC is a *very* nice site -- attractive, easy to navigate, modern.... Good job!

  2. I still can't believe Julian's two now. Time passes way too quickly.

    I designed my first website for my computer applications class for my final project. I'd show it to you, but I can't figure out SCAD's confusing, round-about way of giving us free webspace. So it's still just in Dreamweaver.

  3. none of you look any worse for the wear ;-) soooo glad he's better. soooo glad u partied. really love the sites and the 3 of you!

  4. So glad to hear Julian is feeling better. Coming from a Mom who has had a sick child on her hands almost since he was born...I understand the frustration. Especially w/ the meds. Antibiotics tend to "rev" up Daniel.

    Glad you guys got to have his party. Can't believe he's 2!!!!

    Love you guys! Caroline
