
Concerts and the BIG 4-0

the warm fuzzies had our second show last night and it went really well and was well received. We had played last week but the venue wasn't the greatest and it felt more like a practice than an actual show, so I guess you could call it a warm up show. The venue last night was the Caledonia Lounge (the original 40 watt club in Athens GA) and was suited more towards the kind of music we are playing. We played with a couple of really good bands too - Leaving Araby, They Sang As They Slew, and Jon Black. Some good stuff. We had a really good time.

Also, today is my brothers 40th birthday! Happy Birthday Davey! Crazy, how'd you get so old? It feels like we're both still in our twenties. Ah well, that's life. Feel free to drop him a line on his blog or myspace page and tell him how old his is.

On a side note - we have found Michael and Julian is happy once again. Thanks for the tip Joel. ;)

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